Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ch. 7 - Business Marketing

Business to Business Marketing 

 Every business needs to use another business's product to fulfill their specific needs. B2B describes commerce transactions between businesses, such as between a manufacturer and a wholesaler, or between a wholesaler and a retailer. Godiva chocolate being a paramount in its field of chocolate expertise, also uses other businesses to buy some of the ingredients they use in the making of chocolate. Since Godiva is its own producer of confectionery chocolate product, it is a big advantage for the company to have a direct business to business or business to consumer relationship. Now Godiva chocolate products are also available in many high end department and specialty stores other than their own retail boutiques.

Business Marketing on the Internet

Godiva Valentine's Day websiteMarketing on the internet allows customers to communicate directly with the company's sales people. While new social media tools launch every day, most people only stick to the major players like Facebook, Twitter, and Likedin. Godiva's Facebook site is already popular among its fans who are having frequent use of the site. The online world offers plenty of other options to gauge customer response to promotions but Godiva counts largely on its networked chocolate lovers which are mostly women, because women are more passionate than men about chocolate. This member to member conversations in the community provide Godiva with a unique way to learn how their chocolate fits into members' lives.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

The Importance of Market Segmentation

Markets are usually categorized into different market segments which caters to a subgroup of people or organizations sharing one or more characteristics that cause them to have similar product needs. The market segmentation plays an important role in valued business as it divides a market into meaningful segments and allows the company to define subgroups based on preferences, characteristics, wants, age, gender and more. For a brand like Godiva, it is really important to have an appropriate market segmentation. Therefore, using these marketing strategies Godiva has been focusing on their customer's wants and needs by providing comprehensive selection of products available at their stores. Godiva Chocolatier mainly work with milk, dark, and white chocolate out of which they create large variety of products such as truffles, bars, candies, cakes, drinks, biscuits, coffees etc., Godiva surely wants to reach every single customer of all ages and make them satisfied with the variety of products they carry. Over the years, Godiva has been taking every step in segmenting a market by reaching out to grocery and drugstores as well with lower priced chocolate bars and candies other than their luxury items available at Godiva Boutiques.

Selecting Target Markets

The selection of a target market is a very important decision for a company as it requires significant effort and commitment to implement an appropriate and targeted marketing mix. There are some important considerations involved before choosing a target market which includes segment size, segment growth rate, profit margins, competitors, distribution channels, role of brand, goals and resources. Godiva continues to be the leader in the premium confectionery brand worldwide. There are two key markets that Godiva targets, the affluent retail market and the corporate market segment. The affluent retail market caters to customers who have a preference for premium confectionery products and look for something exquisite to indulge. The corporate segment seeks for gifts for special events such as, weddings and parties. Godiva's target market is just not limited to these segments and events but they also produce seasonal and limited edition chocolates for all major holidays providing an increased level of business throughout the year.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Ch. 11 - Developing and Managing Products

The Importance of New Products

Businesses are always in a rush to introduce new products to the market. In reality, new product development could be critical to the firm's long term survival for several reasons. Since all products have life cycles, so eventually they enter a decline phase with respect to sales and profitability. At some point, these products must be removed from the market and new products must exist to take their place in favor of company's existing levels of sales and profits. Another reason why new products are important is that they can provide a competitive advantage in the market. When a company continuously try to improve existing products and develop new products stay a step ahead of their competitors. This advantage can translate into greater sales and higher profits. New products can also enhance the company's image. Most consumers are attracted to new things and those companies which continually strive to introduce new products are most likely to be at the forefront of attention by existing and new customers.

Godiva Chocolate's Life Cycle

Godiva Chocolatier has defined the art of fine chocolate making by selecting the most superb ingredients. The lines of products Godiva is introducing every year has created new standards of business. Godiva's selection of premium chocolates is diverse and attractive. Their classic truffles, baked chocolate goods, chocolate assortments and chocolate of the year assortment all come together on Godiva's impressive website. Products usually go through four different stages which includes, introductory stage, growth stage, maturity stage, and decline stage. Since Godiva Chocolates are known as much as for their appearance as they are for their refined taste. Therefore, Godiva has not experienced a decline in its products due to consistent creativity and innovation and effective business management.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Ch. 18 -Social Media and Marketing

Social Media  

In modern age, technology has become an integral part of businesses to become more successful. Social media is a tool which facilitate conversations between buyers sellers which creates an engaging experience for customers in the digital world. To my understanding, companies are beginning to realize that they need to understand this phenomenon and get into the conversation. In this turbulent economy, the use of social media helped many businesses to stabilize their sales by bringing online customers to make extra purchases. Using social media, my company Godiva Chocolatier has developed marketing strategy to build deeper relationship with their customers. Collecting data effectively results in superior accountability. It is a way of communication through social media (e.g., Facebook, Twitter etc.) that listens to customer-driven innovation. Godiva leverages the data obtained in social media networks and uses it to cultivate relationships with their clients. Through online business, Godiva is making special offers relevant to their customer base to find out exactly who and what to ask when conducting new product research via social media. 

Mobile Technology 

In recent times, another popular way of  making purchases are the mobile apps. Many companies have designed mobile apps for their customers' convenience which helped increase their businesses, resulting in higher sales by the users. In 2009, Godiva developed their first mobile app, which allowed mobile users to purchase the products directly from their iPhones or Smartphones. Most people carry their Smartphones with them, so it made their lives easier to locate nearby Godiva stores to satisfy their need for chocolate cravings. From 2009 to 2010, Godiva saw a 57% increase in mobile revenue. 


Blogs have been around since the late 90's and started to gain increased importance for businesses. When done well, blogs are cost effective marketing tools for driving lead generation and sales.  I've been reading and writing blogs myself and know how influential they are for the readers as well as for the company or the product it is written about. It gives an opportunity to find out information about any product and give your own comments to appreciate the product which eventually allows the other users to try the product. A brand like Godiva have good reviews most of the times by its fans since Godiva is always coming up with new introductions and flavors. Their vast line of product is always attracting new and existing customers. Blogging helped Godiva to appreciate its product in a big way.   


Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ch. 10 - Product Concepts

Godiva's Product Concept

A product is the basic key term for any business's growth and must have a potential to sell in the market. The product concept is a proposal that consumers will prefer products that have better quality and features as opposed to a normal product. Godiva Chocolatier initially started as a craftsman chocolatier and has now grown into one of the most prestigious chocolate brands in the world. The name Godiva doesn't need any recognition whether its product is selling in Godiva Boutiques or in any other supermarkets or drugstores. A consumer's product can be classified into four most popular types which includes; convenience product, shopping product, specialty product, and unsought product. Godiva is one such brand that caters to all these categories for all consumers' needs. 

Types of Consumer Products

For example, convenience product is relatively an inexpensive item which needs little shopping effort. Since Godiva's regular chocolate bars are conveniently available at most drugstores and thus fulfill the need in general for any walk in customer who is craving for chocolate. On the other hand, shopping product is comparatively more expensive and available at selective stores. Therefore, Godiva's luxury stores provide this facility for those who are looking for style and quality in form of sophisticated chocolate products. Specialty product is a type of product which needs exclusive buyers and Godiva with its iconic signature packaging of chocolate satisfy their customer need for special occasions. The company is proud to have such reputation of having groundbreaking products with quality ingredients, elegant styling, innovative selection, attention to detail and beautiful packaging. The unsought product is usually referred to as newly introduced product which is either unknown to a potential buyer or the buyer isn't actively seeking for it. Over the years, Godiva began to create truffles, ice cream, liqueur, and much more for its clients and always coming up with new ideas and introducing new products. The intriguing taste for chocolate helped Godiva to maintain its customers and not stopping them of trying new products which are an exploration of flavors, textures, and aromas.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ch. 17 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

Customer Relationship Management & Selling

Building a long-term customer relationship plays an important role for a business's success. The practice of relationship selling and sales management increases attention on long-term buyer-seller connection which emphasizes personalization and empathy as key ingredients in developing and keeping satisfied customers. Godiva's sales team is making all efforts in building a strong relationship with its clients by providing the best service possible.They intend to apply strategies resolving all customer related issues by identifying the source of the problem and using pro-active strategies to prevent it from recurring. A personal example of being a loyal customer is my frequent visits to a Godiva boutique near my job where I always make my purchases. This is because of the customer service and care I get from the sales people and how they provide me with the service I'm looking for. It is very important for sales people to know the customer's sensibility and treat them the way they expect to be treated. Not only just for the products, but this increased level of customer service helps Godiva boutiques to bring repeat customers to their retail locations.

The Impact of Technology on Selling

Technology has influenced many consumers to purchase more products by ordering online than just going to physical stores. With this rapid growth of purchasing power, Godiva has experienced tremendous success by reinvigorating its prestigious brand and introducing innovative collections of its coveted confections and expanding into new channels. These luxury chocolates are now available to a wider consumers worldwide.  From the experts' perspective, relationship between salespeople and customers is always required whether it is an on location sale or ordering by phone or online, however, technology has only helped to improve that relationship. Godiva's online offerings, such as Gift Certificates and Rewards is surely getting bigger and better for its marketing strategies.    

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ch. 16 - Advertising, Public Relations and Sales Promotion

Godiva's Sales Promotion & Advertising 

How significant is it for a company to advertise its products and have sales promotions? Well! It is an important aspect of a company's growth as advertising helps to ultimately increase the sales of a product as well as to strengthen or alter a brand's image. Since Godiva was the first Campbell Soup Company to launch a website in the mid 1990's, the company expected that the website would increase 15% of its direct mail business in the coming years.This exclusive website of luxury chocolate includes online ordering, recipes, a list of new Godiva products and occasional holiday's sales promotions. With changing technology in recent times, Godiva's team launched the newly designed site and re-approached the creative direction of photography, creating richer chocolate imagery to stimulate user's appetites as they browse through the site. All of these enhancements with newly designed checkout process allows customers to make their purchases quickly and easily. I'm a great fan of Godiva chocolate myself and not only for the taste but with its visually appealing website, I'm continued to be a loyal customer and make my purchases at times.

Public Relations

Although many of us have witnessed the public relations campaigns launched by different companies, but how many of us know the importance that it has for the companies. In reality, public relations helps businesses to bring repeated as well as new customers for its growth. Unlike advertising, this is a direct connection with people through campaigns that allows a company to disseminate its exact image. Godiva Chocolatier has maintained its reputation among its clients through many campaigns held at different occasions over the years. Not only for the company's own benefits but Godiva has continued to be dedicated for different causes. One good example is Hurricane Sandy. When people suffered from this devastating storm, besides delivering the best service to its clients with minimal interruption, Godiva stayed committed to donate $100,000 to American Red Cross Disaster Relief, and encouraged its customers to donate as well and show their support. This was one good gesture of Godiva to build strong customer relationship as it helped people out for a good cause. For many reasons, the implementation of PR strategies have helped Godiva in a big way to be more successful over the time.      

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Marketing Channels & Retailing Of Godiva

Marketing channels also known as distribution channels, refers to ways in which products move from the manufacturer to the distributor and finally to the consumer. Godiva's marketing channel network distribute their product to more than 80 countries and the retail Boutiques of Godiva provide the consistent image of the most expensive chocolate in its luxurious packaging throughout the stores. This upgraded standards of Godiva Chocolate helped strengthened its marketing strategies which is still creating a future possibility of expansion into unexplored countries where consumption of chocolate is increasing. 

As a personal experience at one of Godiva's Retail Boutiques, I got an opportunity to talk to one of the sales manager about their marketing strategies and how it works for their business's growth. The first question I asked the manager was "Why customers come to the store?" and his prompt reply was because of the quality product and the brand reputation which Godiva has established over the years. Looking at the store's environment, where the variety of products are being offered and the amount of customers walking in and out and buying the product was a true example of his statement. Furthermore, I asked him that "what is the most famous product in the store that sells all year around," and he pointed out those beautifully wrapped chocolate covered strawberries which are being prepared by the staff at the premises. This unique process gives a visual treat to its clients watching from the window and eventually making them buy. Another attraction in the store is the "Gold Gift Boxes" which relates to the customers for their occasional gift needs around holidays or for other personal events. Other than chocolates, the store also offers products like coffee and cookies which is not a big segment in the store, but still provides an option to increase sales. 

I observed many good things in the store such as customer dealing by the sales people and how they treat their customers ethically and provide the best customer satisfaction at the end. Every customer is coming in and out with a smile proves why Godiva gained a tremendous success in business and how the company made its ways to enter into different parts of the world. As I neared the end of my visit, I realized that I couldn't possibly leave without a little treat to myself, so I bought an 8 pcs. chocolate box with some delicious truffles of chocolate and left with a smile as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Ch. 6 - Consumer Decision Making

The Importance of Understanding Consumer's Behavior

The name Godiva doesn't need any recognition whatsoever and the consumers of today are well aware of the brand. The Godiva Gems platform was launched globally in September 2009. Gems are little Truffles, Caramels and solid Chocolates that are individually wrapped to enjoy anytime, anywhere. Godiva Gems are delivered in a Godiva-worthy way---quality chocolate, in vibrant packaging with colorful wrappers that have a "Touch of Gold" to remind consumers that it is the Godiva quality they know and love. Godiva Gems not only meet consumers' affordability and accessibility needs, (e.g., a $4.99 Stand Up Bag of Gems Truffles in Grocery Stores), but they also pioneered new behaviors for the brand. Therefore, by listening to their consumers demand and observing consumers' changing behavior, Godiva was able to make its brand more accessible and affordable globally. This decision to launch a more affordable and accessible line of chocolate was a bold move that would turn out to be the single biggest global launch in the history of the brand. By tapping into Universal behaviors like "sharing" and "casual gifting," Godiva offers much more vesatility than ever before. And most importantly, Godiva Gems makes the brand more relevant all year around and not just for special occasions or holidays anymore.

Types of Consumer Buying Decision and Consumer Involvement

Buying behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. The type of consumer buying decision that best describes the choice to indulge chocolate is limited decision making. This type of decision making requires low level involvement. There are five factors that determine the level of involvement.
  • The first is previous experience with the product. At Godiva, most consumers have some previous experience with the brand. 
  • The second factor is consumer interest. For consumers who may have a genuine interest in chocolate, will find a relaxing atmosphere with the variety of chocolates Godiva offers. 
  • The third factor is perceived risk of negative consequences. The kind of prices and promotions as well as variety of Godiva's products available at Godiva Stores or in other Supermarkets and Drug Stores will have less chances of having negative influence on its consumers. 
  • The fourth factor is situation. For example, consumer may choose to indulge at Godiva Store because they might have guest in town or want to impress someone with the upscale modern surroundings.
  • The fifth factor is social visibility. The ability to interact with others at places like Godiva Boutiques where people are being pampered in a luxurious environment and having their favorite chocolates served in Gold-Gift Boxes. 
I find all these factors to be limited decision making because the consumers probably have some knowledge of what to expect at Godiva Chocolatier.

Cultural and Social Influences on Consumer Buying Decision

The cultural and social influences have great impact on a product's sale. The cultural factor can be described what you value or a social class. The social factor can be described as having a hip and classy atmosphere to have a social interaction. Godiva brand has the strength to entertain its consumers both socially and culturally, and with these offerings, it would definitely influence the consumer to spend their hard earned money. One good example of cultural influence on consumer buying decision is Chinese market in Chocolate industry.
China is a rapidly growing consumer market and more and more companies throughout the world are looking for ways to develop marketing, branding and communication that is relevant to Chinese consumers. Seen as an exotic food product, it has taken decades for Chinese people to accept the chocolate. Now the Chinese market is ready for chocolate from the taste and the culture.  Good news for imported chocolate is that the new generation of consumers has much deeper understanding of chocolate including its taste, making process and culture. In 2007,  Belgian Chocolatier Godiva made its first foray in Asia's mooncake market, which is a bakery product traditionally eaten during Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. Now for the first time in the U.S., Godiva brings you exquisite mooncakes, a modern twist to a reserved Chinese tradition. Godiva is the first major Chocolatier to offer US customers an alternative to the traditional mooncakes. This chocolate's version is being sold in select Godiva stores in California, Washington D.C., Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, and New York, as well as off the Godiva website online.This trend will probably increase the daily consumption of chocolate which means the market will expand greatly. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Ch. 5 - Developing a Global Vision

Global Vision of Godiva Chocolate

Globalization is about demolishing barriers--physical, geographic, political, cultural, economic, social, legal, religious, etc. --to enable collaboration, the sharing of ideas, and the conduct of commerce between people, companies or organizations outside local markets. Today, we live in a digital age where the free flow of communication and creativity has allowed for globalization to evolve. The rapid advancement of technology and breakthrough of new media has brought about social, cultural, and economical shifts. Global brand recognition without a global vision is no longer possible in today's time where consumers live in real time.

The Godiva Global Team of Chefs 

The Godiva global team of Chefs and Chocolatiers keep the Belgian tradition alive and delicious. Consequently, the global team of Chefs and Chocolatiers has the pleasure of creating extraordinary Belgian chocolates that are available in over 80 countries. One of the Senior Chefs of Godiva David Funaro joined the company in 2007. At Godiva, Chef David's primary focus is the development of new chocolate and pastry products for Japan and Pacific Rim markets.Another Chef Wilmots Ilse, who worked as a Chocolatier in a pastry shop and then joined Godiva and eventually found her way onto the Research & Development team. "Together with our American colleagues we create and develop the finest, most delightful, and wonderful chocolates," she says proudly. Godiva's vision is to own the ultimate chocolate experience that inspires passion for its brand around the world. Having established as the brand for Chocolate Gifting, Godiva aims to build on its success, and expand its breath of brand awareness by pushing to be the best of everything chocolate. Godiva endeavors to widen its global footprint and reaching out to more markets. It has over 500 retail outlets globally and focuses on building capabilities to adapt to its increasing local markets.

Global Marketing Standardization

Developing a global marketing strategy is a key concern for multinational companies. Firms ascribing to Global Standardization theory view the world as one entity, not a collection of national markets. It is not surprising that Godiva Chocolatier, Inc., one of the creators of the world's most elegant, hand-crafted chocolates has a tradition of perfectionism. In keeping with this tradition, the founder of Godiva, Draps family kept this unique formula of rich chocolate with unparalleled smoothness and with a remarkable eye for detail, set forth the standard for Godiva's innovative selection of elegant, European shell-molded designs and beautiful packaging.Through the years, these standards have been maintained as assiduously as Drap's recipes have been guarded. As a result of adherence to Draps heritage, Godiva chocolates evoke the greatest in confectionary excellence. The same careful attention to quality is apparent in the exquisite European-style gold balloting and handcrafted seasonal packaging that has earned Godiva a reputation for design excellence as well as its taste. From Brussels to New York to Paris to Tokyo, it is Godiva that brings the best of Belgium to the world.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ch. 4 - The Marketing Environment

GODIVA, Everywhere

 Godiva chocolate company has a great marketing plan, as far as external marketing environment is concerned and has been doing well. This the reason, today the Godiva brand can be found in more than 80 countries, bringing the best of Belgium to the world. The founder of Godiva, Joseph Draps began the international Godiva expansion in 1958 by opening a Godiva boutique in Paris on the fashionable Rue St. Honore'. Openings in the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and more soon followed. Eventually, in 1966, Godiva traveled across the pond to the United States, where Godiva became available at one of the country's most elegant department stores, Wanamaker's in Philadelphia. Six years later, the first stateside Godiva boutique opened on New York's fashionable Fifth Avenue.

Demographic Factors

The population of the United States has been divided into different categories which includes tweens (ages from 8 to 12), teens, Generations Y,  is made up of people born between 1979 and 1994, Generation X, people born between 1965 and 1978, and then baby boomers, people born between 1946 and 1964. Among this population, the Godiva brand has become very popular which caters to people of all ages. American market belongs to people from all over the world, and the three major ethnic groups besides the White Americans, are the Hispanic Americans, African Americans and Asian Americans. The psychology behind chocolate suggests consumers see it as a 'naughty but nice' impulse treat. This intriguing desire for chocolate has helped Godiva to grow its business in all these major markets.

Economic Factors

Due to the fastest growth of the company's business in the international markets, Godiva doubled its store network in the Chinese market as well. The consumers in China spent about $1.1 billion on chocolate in 2011, and the market was all set to have annual growth of 11 percent from 2010 to 2014, according to market researcher Mintel. With this rapid growth, Godiva will be better equipped to accelerate the brand's growth and increase broad global expansion across Godiva International in the coming years.Godiva operates more than 600 retail stores around the world, and it has no trouble selling its gold-boxed offerings in a variety of other channels as well. The company sales have grown more than 30% since 2008, to $650 million in 2011.

Social Media

As we all know, social media are web based technologies that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content through the internet. These modern age technologies have helped many business to grow faster and more effectively. No doubt that Godiva's business has also grown over the years through social media. The single most important thing Godiva does with the community is 'Listen'. People gather feedback through these channels about their members' lifestyles on a daily basis, helping them develop compelling new products and programs that enhance the Godiva experience. In addition, the member-to-member conversations in the community provide Godiva with a unique way to learn how their chocolate fits into members' lives. All these advertising sources such as,Facebook, Twitter, Youtube etc. are the most common factors in businesses' growth in recent times.

Consumer's Income and Recession

When people think of Godiva, the words that come to mind are "WOW," "LUXURY," and "EXPENSIVE". Because of the ailing economy, consumers were reluctant to go for things which they felt were luxuries, and a result, Godiva's sales were soft at some point. Through various exercises and assignments members completed, the community brought to life the changes in behavior such as shopping habits, gifting patterns and self-treating in the midst of recession. The only consideration consumers were interacting with the brand were accessibility and affordability. Where members love eating Godiva, they were avoiding their visits to malls where the majority of Godiva boutiques are located. At the same time, competitors were making premium chocolate available in supermarkets and grocery stores. As members were budgeting themselves in the economic crisis, therefore seeking premium chocolate at value. The Godiva stores enhanced their sales by offering gift certificates and other sales coupons. Godiva offers much more versatility than ever before in terms of maintaining its customer relationship. By tapping into universal behaviors like "sharing" and "casual gifting," Godiva Gems makes the brand more relevant all year around.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Is the company Godiva Chocolatier, Inc. an environmentally responsible company? Well, based on the research, Good Guide has given Godiva Chocolatier, Inc. an Environmental Performance Rating of 3.2 out of 10 based on the following criteria:
  1. Transparency:0
  2. environmental Management: 4
  3. Resource Use: 4
  4. Environmental Impact: 4
As chocolate lovers, we all have our favorite Godiva pieces. But do we always know what's in the chocolate that makes it so rich and irresistable? Ethically, Godiva's chocolate is best known for its rich expensive chocolate, but can everybody afford it? The Godiva consist of high quality chocolate, but ethically they don't reach out for a group of customers that can afford it. obviously, Godiva provides information about the chocolate and the types of brand they offer. But they don't provide information of how the chocolate is made, such as the ingredients and how much calories it is. A lot of customers go by the presentation and most of these products can cause high cholestrol and high blood pressure depending on the ingredients they contain. However, there are also nutritional and weight-loss benefits associated with eating dark chocolate on a daily basis. It is imperative to only consume a small amount, as the sugar and fat can be bad for you if too much are consumed.

As a socially responsible company, there is a survey about Godiva company for job related issues.Here are some ethical comments made by people working at Godiva the company.

Store (Boutique) Manager (Former Employee0
Emeryville, CA
I worked at Godiva Chocolatier

Pros -- The pay was good and I was able to build a great team of associates to work for me at my store.

Cons-- But not even my team or the paycheck could keep me there in the end. Godiva doesn't want to appreciate leaders. They want sheep! They want to control every move you make in your stores. When I say "they", I am referring to the district manager and regional director. Micro-managing is the name of the game at Godiva. If you are willing to have
every ounce of self-respect and confidence drained from your body, then being an employee of Godiva Chocolatier is the perfect job for you.
On a good sales day , my store was rarely recognized. on a great sales day we'd a gentle nudge and then
called out on how we could have done better. Our district manager would set us up for failure on a weekly basis, by expecting us to do upwards of 300% over LY sales on specific days. Pathetic if you ask me.

I quit my job because I was not exceeding my sales by enough. That's right. I was threatened with termination because my sales INCREASES were not big enough. I was threatened with anaction plan for underperforming managers because I wasn't moving the needle fast enough. These are desperate acts of upper management and a company that refuses to live in reality.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hoping to get people to eat more chocolate, Godiva marketers wondered, how can we take chocolate from nibble to nosh? The answer wasn't inside the old brand's signature gold box, where people tend to deliberately choose a single piece, the company says. Instead, Godiva saw it needed to come up with new forms of chocolate for customers to munch mindlessly, and new places to buy them. Therefore, when Godiva Chocolate celebrated its 80th anniversary, updating its direct creative approach, redesigning its retail stores and even revamping its signature gold box with new pieces and packaging.The company which has seen double-digit direct growth in recent years, is currently snack-dab between its two busiest times of the year, The December holidays and Valentine's Day, says Beth Sash, director of e-commerce and direct marketing.Godiva's customers often buy for friends and family but aren't afraid to indulge themselves, notes Sash. "We're seeing more and more customers coming into our boutiques daily to buy one or two pieces for themselves as a treat in the middle of the day."Recent efforts to contemporize the brand have helped Godiva reach a more aspirational, fashion-forward audience, she adds. It now attracts younger people overall, 25 to 35 year-old vs 35 to 49 year-old previously.

High-end chocolatiers want to put their sweets everywhere shoppers are, whether it's chocolate covered pretzels in an upscale department store or chocolate-coveredespresso beans at the coffee shop."We want to get more Godiva into people's mouths more often," said Lauri Kien kotcher, chief marketing officer for Godiva and senior vice president of global brand development. "It's about chocolate snacks, little chocolate treats. --- When those things come, you just keep eating." Godiva says there are up more than 13% year-to-date, and it expects total sales to top 4650 million in recent years. Godiva's strong belief about its product is that there are three basic reasons why people purchase premium chocolate: to give as a gift, to share with a group and to eat by oneself. The first category, gift-giving, has been Godiva's strong suit for decades, especially at occasions such as Valentine's Day and Christmas Holidays Season.

Godiva stores, which used to be awash in gold boxes, now also stock small chocolate truffle bars(priced at $2.95), sleeves of chocolate-covered almonds($12) and boxes of chocolate-covered cookies($25 for three dozen). In other words it's a completechocolate experience. Godiva is looking to appeal to a wider audience of gift givers. Its holiday catalog reads like a shopping list, suggesting various new products ---a box of brownies? a chocolate-fondue basket? ---for babysitters, neighbors, teachers and clients.

  Godiva is venturing into new places, putting jumbo candy bars on grocery store shelves and cupcakes and brownies online. It is adding new products like chocolate-covered Oreos to the offerings at Godiva boutiques.The chocolate market has been getting especially competitive in supermarkets and drugstores, with European brands like Cadbury, Toblerone and Ferrero Rocher, fancy offerings from mass marketers like Symphony bars from Hershey, and familiar boxed offerings from Whitman's and Russell Stover. And there are niche products with cult followings, too, such as chocolate-dipped pears from Harry & David and Trader Joe's peanut butter cups.These supermarket products were created to be at the ready in case of chocolate emergencies which compels the customers' urges for chocolate. Godiva has dismissed the risk of diluting its brand to the grocery stores by maintaining the quality of its products and meeting the expectations of its everyday customers.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Godiva: Finest Belgian Chocolate Co., since 1926. K.Sharif

Since 1926 Godiva has been the premier maker of fine Belgian chocolate. Over 75 years ago, Godiva began as a small praline-making business run by the Draps family out of their home in Brussels, Belgium. The company was called Chocolaterie Draps until Joseph Draps decided he wanted to produce a more exclusive chocolate and open up a chocolate shop. One of the first Godiva shops still stands in the beautiful, historic Grand Place in Brussels.

In 1966, the Draps family came to contact with the American company Campbell Soup Company, which acquired one-third of a stake in Godiva that year. Thus, the American operation of the company was the first to introduce premium chocolate to the American palette. By 1968, Godiva Chocolatier, Inc., had begun domestic production, using the executive Belgian recipes.

The company has continued to grow and expand over the years, The U.S. plant in Reading, PA, now produces the same amount of chocolate for the U.S. market as the Belgian plant produces for the rest of the world.There are now over 270 Retail locations as well as over 2000 Wholesale doors. In addition to retail and production, Godiva runs a direct business ( and 1-800-9-Godiva) and a wholesale merchandising sales force across the country. Godiva's world headquarters are located in Midtown Manhattan.
Godiva's Mission Statement

Godiva's mission statement is to go global and to promote a high quality product and service. Godiva chocolate is made to bring sheer delight to their customers. Their slogan sounds like: "Look, smell, listen, feel and taste that's what Godiva chocolate is all about." The store locators can be in Godiva Boutiques, a total of 23 franchises as well as fine department stores, duty free locations and other gourmet shops that carry Godiva pralines a total of 277 stores.