Sunday, October 20, 2013

Ch. 14 - Marketing Channels and Retailing

Marketing Channels & Retailing Of Godiva

Marketing channels also known as distribution channels, refers to ways in which products move from the manufacturer to the distributor and finally to the consumer. Godiva's marketing channel network distribute their product to more than 80 countries and the retail Boutiques of Godiva provide the consistent image of the most expensive chocolate in its luxurious packaging throughout the stores. This upgraded standards of Godiva Chocolate helped strengthened its marketing strategies which is still creating a future possibility of expansion into unexplored countries where consumption of chocolate is increasing. 

As a personal experience at one of Godiva's Retail Boutiques, I got an opportunity to talk to one of the sales manager about their marketing strategies and how it works for their business's growth. The first question I asked the manager was "Why customers come to the store?" and his prompt reply was because of the quality product and the brand reputation which Godiva has established over the years. Looking at the store's environment, where the variety of products are being offered and the amount of customers walking in and out and buying the product was a true example of his statement. Furthermore, I asked him that "what is the most famous product in the store that sells all year around," and he pointed out those beautifully wrapped chocolate covered strawberries which are being prepared by the staff at the premises. This unique process gives a visual treat to its clients watching from the window and eventually making them buy. Another attraction in the store is the "Gold Gift Boxes" which relates to the customers for their occasional gift needs around holidays or for other personal events. Other than chocolates, the store also offers products like coffee and cookies which is not a big segment in the store, but still provides an option to increase sales. 

I observed many good things in the store such as customer dealing by the sales people and how they treat their customers ethically and provide the best customer satisfaction at the end. Every customer is coming in and out with a smile proves why Godiva gained a tremendous success in business and how the company made its ways to enter into different parts of the world. As I neared the end of my visit, I realized that I couldn't possibly leave without a little treat to myself, so I bought an 8 pcs. chocolate box with some delicious truffles of chocolate and left with a smile as well.

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